Our Volunteers are an Essential Part of the #SATSFamily!
Where do we even start when it comes to the superhero squad at SATS? Yes, we're talking about our volunteers! Without these fantastic folks, our curtains would probably still be trying to figure out how to open themselves, and our actors... well, let's just say they might still be talking to the walls instead of an audience.
Volunteers are the secret sauce, the cherry on top, the... you get the gist. They're crucial! From painting sets that look like they jumped out of a dream or photographing our fabulous productions to managing the chaos backstage, and even greeting our audience members with a smile that could outshine the stage lights, our volunteers do it all.
So, if you've ever fancied yourself a bit of a backstage wizard, or if you've got a smile that could light up the room and guide lost theatre-goers to their seats, we're always on the lookout for more stars to join our constellation of volunteers.
Come on down, the theatre is calling your name!